This week the PHFD hosted five high school students interested in a career as a firefighter. These students choose an internship over a traditional spring break activity. Each day we performed different skills including using breathing apparatus (air masks) and searching for victim, raising ladders and operating 100-foot aerial ladder, using the Jaws of Life on a junk car, burned a scale model of a house to learn about fire behavior, flowing and advancing hose lines, and using the search, roof, and tower props at NIPSTA. The students all enjoyed themselves and I expect many if not all of them to apply to our apprentice program. I would like to thank the shifts on duty for helping out each day. It is greatly appreciated. I also would like to thank LT Rill and firefighters Griffin, Wozniak, Pahos, Coffey, and Binkley for signing up to mentor the students. Your efforts we not only appreciated by me, but also by the students who benefited from your efforts.
High school interns learning about self-contained breathing apparatus
High school interns carrying a manikin up a set of stairs as part of a simulated search and rescue activity
A high school intern using an axe to break out a window
Two high school interns lifting a manikin out of a window in a simulated rescue
High school interns learning how to use jaws of life on junk car