About 2:30AM on Saturday morning Prospect Heights firefighters were dispatched to respond with Tanker 9 to a house fire in Kildeer. The area is protected by the Long Grove Fire District. Dozens of firefighters fought the fire while many others worked to get water to the scene.
For more than three hours PH firefighters along with more than a dozen other fire departments from as far away as McHenry and Kenosha County, WI shuttled tens of thousands of gallons of water to the remote location in Kildeer off Cuba Road.
PH responds to Long Grove FD's fires automatically upon receipt of a 9-1-1 call. Long Grove reciprocates for our fires. Both fire districts have large areas without fire hydrants and these tanker shuttle operations or very long hose lays (sometimes as much as one mile long) are the ony way to get large amounts of water to the scene.
Chicago Area Fire coverage http://chicagoareafire.com/blog/2022/07/5-alarm-fire-in-kildeer-7-30-22/
Arlington Cardinal coverage https://www.arlingtoncardinal.com/2022/07/extra-alarm-house-fire-on-tiffany-court-in-kildeer/ |