2024 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
JAN 77 161 238
FEB 48 146 194
MAR 59 145 204
APR 69 129 198
MAY 54 159 213
JUN 63 180 243
JUL 59 148 207
AUG 66 161 227
SEP 66 158 224
OCT 58 147 205
NOV 60 141 201
Total 679 1675 2354

Annual Call Stats
Year EMS Fire Total
2012 1238 592 1830
2013 1231 623 1854
2014 1359 697 2056
2015 1317 629 1946
2016 1427 636 2063
2017 1518 623 2141
2018 1715 678 2390
2019 1698 698 2396
2020 1643 554 2197
2021 1770 645 2415
2022 1997 725 2722
2023 2025 693 2718

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November 18, 2024








The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Prospect Heights Fire Protection District (PHFPD) announces a competitive examination to establish an Eligibility Register (list) for the position of full-time Firefighter/Paramedic for the Prospect Heights Fire Protection District, Cook County, Illinois.


The PHFPD will use the established list to fill vacancies in its full-time staff for a period of two years from the date the list is officially posted. Currently there are two vacancies that will be hired from this new list.


Starting annual salary is $87,046

Top Salary is $122,735

Pension provided. Persons already Tier 1 enter pension as Tier 1.

Other benefits list in union contract on PHFD webpage under District Information/Labor Contract.


  • A citizen of the United States or possess authorization to work in the United States of America.
  • At time of job offer, a minimum 21 years of age and not exceed 35 years of age unless qualified for waiver under statutory exemption (70 ILCS 705 Section 16.04b).

Persons not 21 years of age may still apply and test.

  • A valid driver’s license
  • At minimum, a High School Diploma or G.E.D. certificate
  • An Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal Basic Operations Firefighter Certificate AND Hazardous Materials Operations certificate.
  • At minimum, a valid Illinois Department of Public Health EMT-Basic license. Any applicant selected for appointment must also possess a valid Illinois Department of Public Health EMT-P (paramedic) license at time of appointment. Applicant must obtain Northwest Community Hospital EMS (ALS) System approval before appointment and must maintain the license and NWCH EMSS privileges during employment.

Physical Agility Test

All applicants must demonstrate physical agility and muscular coordination by passing the (CPAT) Candidate Physical Ability Test and a ladder climb. All candidates must present a valid CPAT and a ladder climb card or certificate at the time of job offer. CPAT cards will be considered valid within one year of the date issued.  It is the responsibility of the candidate to make sure that their CPAT is up to date. Any candidate not possessing a valid CPAT card at time of appointment will be disqualified. NOTE: At time of job offer the applicant must be in possession of a valid CPAT card or certificate

Persons may perform the CPAT by contacting:

All CPAT providers charge each candidate a fee for participation in the CPAT test.

A one-page application and full information is available from November 19, 2024 until January 12, 2025

online at www.phfire.com under EMPLOYMENT

Applicants placed on the Final Eligibility Register will be presented a comprehensive application to complete and submit. Any applicant selected for appointment must pass a post job offer background and criminal history investigation, psychological, and physical/medical/stress examination including drug and alcohol test.

COMPLETED APPLICATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN PERSON BY APPLICANT AT ABOVE ADDRESS NO LATER THAN 4:00 P.M. on January 13, 2025. Incomplete applications or applications lacking any of the required documents will be rejected and the applicant barred from taking the written examination.  

A competitive written exam assessing the necessary knowledge and dimensions for selection as a firefighter will be held on

Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.

or Friday, January 24, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.

or Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.


at the Prospect Heights Fire Protection District,

10 East Camp McDonald Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070


Applicant need only attend one session

Applicants may order the practice “CEB Candidate Orientation Guide” by clicking the following link:  http://www.fpsi.com/fire-candidate-orientation-guides/.  The CEB Candidate Orientation Guide is a helpful tool to prepare for the exam and can be downloaded as a PDF file and saved or printed. Please read through the disclaimer on the order page in order to have a successful download.  Payments will be submitted through PayPal via an account or credit/debit card. Once payment is submitted, PayPal automatically redirects you back to the FPSI site where access to the download link will be located on the Order Details-Checkout Status page.  Applicants must pay close attention to ALL instructions on both FPSI and PayPal’s websites in order to access the instant download successfully!

There are two interviews: The first interviews will be conducted between February 3 and 6. The second interview will conducted between February 17 and 20. All interviews will be conducted between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.  

All applicants who pass the written exam will be notified by the email they supplied on their application of their interview times and dates on January 27, 2025. The PHFPD is not responsible for any errors in the email address supplied by the applicant.

The score on the written exam will comprise 30 percent of the final score. The score on the interview will comprise 70 percent of the final score. Preference points will be added after the Initial Eligibility Register is posted.

   Upon completion of the interviews the Initial Eligibility Register will be posted by February 20, 2025 and applications for preference points will be distributed to each person on the Initial Eligibility Register. Applications for preference points will be due no later than March 3 at 4:00 p.m. The Final Eligibility Register will then be posted by March 4, 2025.

Approved by Board of Fire Commissioners November 18, 2024.  




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Firehouse Solutions
Prospect Heights Fire Dist.
10 E. Camp McDonald Road
Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070
Emergency Dial 911
Office : 847-253-8060
Station Fax: 847-253-4759
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